2 Slot Pancake Belt Holster

(58 customer reviews)


OWB – 2 Slot Belt Holster. Azula 2 Slot Pancake Gun Holsters are a custom leather outside the waist band OWB holster for the Handgun of your choice from the drop down menu below in either black, dark brown or tan.


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Azula 2 Slot Pancake Gun Holsters are a custom leather outside the waist band OWB holster for the Handgun of your choice from the drop down menu above in either black, dark brown or tan. Hand crafted from top quality leather to last a lifetime. The Azula 2 slot pancake holster is designed to be worn with a belt up to 1.5″ in width. The back of the holster covers the top of the pistol slide with a full COMFORT SHIELD so it does not dig into you for additional comfort that is not found in many other holsters. The front of the holster has a reinforced tab that stops the top edge of the holster from rolling over. Azula 2 slot pancake holsters are a full length holster that covers the pistol completely so your front sight does not hang down below the holster.

Azula Gun Holsters are hand made by master craftsman with over 30 years of holster making experience. Azula Gun Holsters have a lifetime replacement warranty and our Azula Leather gun belts match the OWB 2 slot pancake holster. We offer the Azula leather belts up to size 58 to match your 2 slot pancake holster. Holster ONLY, belt sold separately

Additional information


Black, Tan


Right Handed, Left Handed

58 reviews for 2 Slot Pancake Belt Holster

  1. Lisa (verified owner)

    I’m absolutely thrilled with this purchase. Did a lot of research, and a lot of searching, to find this kind of quality and craftsmanship. I am left handed, and this further narrowed my options for a quality-made OWB holster. My holster arrived today (VERY fast shipping), and it exceeded my expectations. It fits my Walther PPQ M2 like a custom-made glove. The holes for the belt measure around 1.75″, and this easily accommodates any belt in my closet up to 1.5″. The holster also feels nearly weightless (but I weighed it anyway – came in at a mere 3.7 oz), and it’s easily comparable in weight and bulk to any Kydex holster I was considering. I highly recommend this holster. Thank you, Azula, for making a quality product!

  2. Ed Heaton

    Perfect Fit & Low Profile
    Azula is well made and fits my Sig P938 perfectly! Very low profile for everyday CC and comfortable 🙂

  3. Dean (verified owner)

    Perfect fit. Quality leather. Awesome holster at a great price. Customer service is second to none. Purchased on line Friday and received on Monday. Thank you Azulagunholsters!

  4. Russell

    Just buying my 4th Azula holster. That pretty much says it all…..Great quality and value!!! Always received my holsters quickly.

  5. david wirginis

    This is an incredible buy for the price! I have been looking for a pancake holster for a 2.75″ Ruger Security Six with no luck, when an internet search came up with one from Azula. I ordered one and half expected to receive a so-so holster at that price, but the holster is of a quality that I would expect from a custom maker at three times the price. It is light, comfortable and fits very well, and after several months of regular use still looks and feels brand new. With the quality of this maker I will be purchasing more Azula holsters for other firearms.

  6. Tom (verified owner)

    I looked at many of the various companies holsters.
    I also am left handed, so available holsters are somewhat limited.
    I purchased a holster for my Smith and Wesson 686, and it arrived 3 days after the purchase date. Very well constructed. Couldn’t be more pleased.
    Awesome holster Azula!! Many Thanks!!

  7. Mike W (verified owner)

    Love this holster. Got mine for a Ruger LC9S. It’s snug but not too tight. Unlike most leather holsters, this required no leather conditioning as the fit was just right. All I did was add a bit of silicone to the inside to smooth out the draw (which I do with all my holsters) and it was ready to go. I’ll be buying another for my Jericho.

  8. Paul W Gibbs (verified owner)

    For my Browning 1911-380.
    Well-made and comfortable, with just the right amount of rake. Good snug and secure fit for my weapon!
    Thanks for showing us Lefty’s some love!

  9. Stynor Carter

    I currently have one for my Glock 27 and my S&W 66. Excellent fit. Ordered one for a Colt Detective Special and the fit was more for a Ruger snubbie, but still quite serviceable. I just ordered one for my tuned S&W 642 J frame. Arthritis in my off hand make racking a slide difficult so I carry my revolver. I expect the same quality from Azula for my baby Smith.

  10. Herman (verified owner)

    I received my holster for my Glock 43, it’s owb carry. It carries very comfortable and is concealed under my shirt with no problem. I used wax paper rapped around my Glock for 24 hours and it’s totally a perfect fit. I’m really pleased with the holster.

  11. Dave (verified owner)

    I purchased two Pancake holsters for a 1911 and a Security Six. I am very pleasantly surprised by the fit, quality, and value of these holsters.
    I have paid much more, in the past, for holsters of this quality, and will order again for other handguns without hesitation.
    Job Well Done!



  13. Scott McKinney

    This is an Excellent made holster.It wears nice and comfortable tight to the body for Excellent conceal carry if needed,Fits My CZ 75 BD Perfectly. Thank You all at Azula

  14. Jacob (verified owner)

    This is a great holster, especially for the price. I have one for an officer sized 1911 and one for a walther ppk. Both fit very well and retain the pistol with just the right amount of tension

  15. Steve

    I have four Azula holsters and am buying my fifth. I can’t remember how I came across these or why I took the chance originally but I have not bought another brand since. These are nice, heavy duty leather that carry all my EDC guns at the perfect height and cant. Everything from a full size 1911 down to a Sig Sauer P938. They carry tight to the body and don’t flop over like some better known brands that try to carry too high. I work in a gun shop and recommend these to all the customers I can, even over the brands we carry.

  16. Scott McKinney

    Excellent fit and finish.Wears comfortable and close to the body. conceals really good for an OTB holster.perfect cant.Perfect holster for My CZ 75 bd

  17. Jerry

    It is very comforting knowing American’s still take pride in making a quality product! The holster I ordered for my Browning 1911 .380 is absolutely perfect.
    Azula holsters are amazing, proving you can still get what you pay for!
    Thanks very much Azula!!!!!

  18. Steve B

    I bought an Azula Pancake holster earlier this year and couldn’t be more pleased. I wear it daily and the quality is outstanding. I have carried a concealed weapon for over 20 years and as you can imagine I have used many brands of holsters. Going forward I can’t imagine buying any other brand other than Azula. In fact, I am about to order another in the next day or so.

  19. Steve Bryant (verified owner)

    Best holsters period. I’ve been buying holsters for over 40 years from cheap to very expensive. These holsters are quality in every way.

  20. Tristan H (verified owner)

    I have been using Azula gun holsters for over a year now, and this is the one I use the most for my EDC. I have found it to conceal my Glock 43 perfectly under my shirt, which I wear shirts with the TALL sizing length, which give about 2 inches more of shirt at the bottom. No issues whatsoever. They break in easily and I’ve never had my gun feel unsecured in this holster. I’ve found it conceals well at several positions on the side of the hip of the hand orientation of your choice.

  21. Herman (verified owner)

    This review is for my second holster. The first was Glock 43, this is for S&W performance center shield. Both are awesome, I’m now looking to get one for a kimber micro 9. I’ve got no complaints.

  22. Cliff Harry Riggs (verified owner)

    Great Company! 100% A+ Customer Service! My holster is for a revolver you don’t see much anymore. Azula makes a holster that fits perfectly! Everything about it is perfect for half the cost of other holster makers! I can’t be happier!

  23. Steve (verified owner)

    Didn’t like the inside the waistband holster I purchased from another vendor so I looked here and was not disappointed. My Walther CCP fits perfectly and comfortably.

  24. Greg T (verified owner)

    This is my second Azula holster. The first holster I ordered was for my S&W Model 659 semi-auto. This is a “hefty” handgun, mostly stainless steel, some aluminum and with newly designed 17 round Mec-Gar magazine, weight is somewhat over 3 pounds. The holster I had delivered today is for my S&W Model 19-3 revolver. This revolver fits perfectly in the holster, and will fit even better after it is in the holster for 24 hours. I am very pleased with the quality and workmanship of both of these holsters and they carry these heavy-weight handguns perfectly. I notice the stamping on the reverse side of each holster indicates they are made in South Africa. While I would love to buy a Bianchi, this old, American name is now made in Mexico and they are nowhere near the quality of Azula. Perhaps Bianchi should start having their products made by the craftsmen Azula employs in South Africa! I am a totally satisfied, Azula customer!

  25. Larry Viariseo

    Bought one for my taurus 856 fits beautifully very comfortable at times I forget it’s there.

  26. Joe L

    This will be the 2nd holster I’ve bought from Azula and I’m expecting it will be just a top notch as the 1st. Excellent holster, it fits me and my pistol great. High quality, great looks and price. I am extremely happy with the holster and look forward to many years of service from these holsters.

  27. Ed Greenway (verified owner)

    Just received my 2nd Azula holster….. I cannot believe the quality for the price. The workmanship is beautiful, and the fit is perfect. By far the best I’ve found yet!

  28. JF (verified owner)

    Excellent holster. Bought it for a CZ RAMI that has proven to be hard to fit. Holster holds its shape for easy re-holstering. Good quality thick leather. Clean stitching and craftsmanship.

    Shipped it on the same day, but I would recommend using a carrier other than USPS. Sat in a local distribution center for over a month. Not Azula’s fault but would inquire of alternates for future purchases.

  29. Corey Rogan

    This is my new standard for good OWB holsters. The holster holds my handgun against my body firmly but comfortably, and the grip on the gun is snug but not too hard to pull out. This holster conceals my Glock 42 underneath even my tightest sweaters, and it absolutely stuns people when I tell them I’m packing heat on my skinny body. Just for giggles, I also bought one of these for a full-sized Colt Single Action Army; with the barrel in my back jeans pocket, even that concealed!

  30. Richard S Leffler (verified owner)

    I recieved the pancake holster yesterday and my first impression was “nice”I placed it on my belt, placed the selected pistol and wore it all afternoon and into the evening. The holster fit and wore as if I’d had it for a year. In other words not stiff or irritating in any way and guard kept slide and safety area away from scratching my skin. The pistol fit snuggly but no fight drawing or reholstering it. Will most definetly buy for two other firearms that I carry because of the design hugging so close to the body that a t-shirt will hide it. Thanks folks.

  31. Jim McCulloch (verified owner)

    I received my first Azula holster for a Colt Government Model .380 today and am amazed at the quality, value, craftsmanship, and speed of delivery. Excellent fit with quality that ranks right up with the big-name custom and semi-custom holster makers everyone knows about. I couldn’t be happier with my holster and will be coming back for more. Thanks Azula!

  32. Jake (verified owner)

    I purchased this holster a couple months ago for aSig P938 Scorpion. It arrived faster than expected and I found the fit and craftsmanship to be second to none. Definitely a high quality holster. I just ordered another for a Sig P365 and have no doubt I’ll be ordering a few more in the near future!

  33. Michael (verified owner)

    The review are correct – what a great holster ! Wearable
    From minute one. VERY comfortable standing and seated with my sig p365. Gun feels secure and has a nice draw . Literally , I feel like I have worn this for several months already . Truly a great product with excellent craftsmanship ! A Big thumbs up.

  34. Denny (verified owner)

    I bought the pancake 2 slot for my new Ruger Max 9. I am very pleased
    with it. Gun fits perfectly and has good retention. It feels good on the
    belt and hides well under a T shirt. Thank you for a very good product
    at a very good price.

  35. Mike

    I’ve had several Azula holsters (Glock 43-Sig P365-Sig p938) and they are by far the best holsters I have ever owned and used. Getting ready to purchase one for my new Springfield Hellcat. The 2-slot OWBs fit tight to the body and are very concealable with just a shirt over them. If you have a drawer full of holsters like I used to have you need to try Azula. Quality/price can’t be beat.

  36. Shawn Luskey (verified owner)

    I have been looking on the internet for about 2 months to find a good holster for my CZ P-07. I have no idea why azula didn’t come up on any of my searches. I found this company by accident somehow. Ordered the pancake holster and I am very satisfied with it. Great quality, stitching, price, fast shipping. Can’t say enough about this company. I will absolutely order from them again as soon as I purchase another weapon! I’m glad they sent a business card, I’ll be sure to spread the word

  37. Dave (verified owner)

    I have bought 5 OWB pancake holsters from this company a few years back and have been very pleased with the quality, price and delivery time. I have one for a Glock, M&P, and N,L, K frame revolvers.

  38. Dave Mc (verified owner)

    Totally satisfied with my holster! Ordered on the 11th and received on the 16th,
    quality leather and workmanship; ordering online can be a crapshoot but after doing my research and reading customer reviews I ordered and couldn’t be
    happier with it. The fit was just a tad tight but after. a day of ‘working’ the leather it fits my Taurus 856 perfectly.

  39. CG Clarke

    Purchased the holster as it was difficult to find one for my Beretta 85BB. Well made, solid stitching, and fit my firearm like a glove. I have owned holsters from some of the top makers in the industry as I have been carrying a firearm for years. Azula is in that mold, no pun intended. Great price, great service (they sent a right-handed first, immediately shipped out the left-handed item and a return label) and a great product.

  40. Ben (verified owner)

    Very happy…great product

    Background for those interested:

    Originally I ordered a different model/style, which did not conceal well for me, perhaps only because of my own body. However, I was impressed with the holster’s quality. My efund/return request was accommodated without hassel. And, I was impressed with the company’s no nonsense demeanor.

    Because of the very fine workmanship on the first item, I ordered a 2nd holster in this 2-slot style. I am used to this type of holster, so I figured it would conceal, and mine came this week.

    Again, I am very impressed with the leather work. The holster and pistol ride very comfortably and conform well to my body. No problem keeping concealed, even in just a tee shirt. Combine with a button up,, jacket or coat and there isn’t even a ghosting pattern on the fabric. The belt slot size is perfect for my regular wear belts, and I am comfortable standing, walking, sitting, driving and lounging while carrying.

    I do recommend this company and this style of holster.

  41. Ron Inmon (verified owner)

    I own 3 azula pancake holsters and will buy another soon. They are excellent holsters. I daily carry a full size steel 45 or a LC9s depending on days (Sunday). I will never buy anything but an Azula.

  42. Garry (verified owner)

    When I saw this in Amazon, I was attracted to it immediately, however Amazon does not list one for the Ruger LCP Max. I went to the Azula’s website at https://azulagunholsters.com/ where it allows you to select one for the Ruger LCP Max. I ordered a pancake holster and received one for the original LCP version and the pistol did not sit right on the holster because there is a difference on the trigger guard shape. LCP is a bit round and LCP Max is sqaure. I called Azula and they told me to send them a picture. I did and they told me that they will have to custom make it. A week and a half later, the product arrives and I tested it out. Now the pistol sits perfectly. I love this holster. It is solid leather and fits perfectly on my waist and even fits using a 1.75 inch belt. Thank you so much Azula.

  43. Freeman, David H. (verified owner)

    This is one of the finest holsters that I have ever owened! I bought the two slot pancake belt holster for my Ruger super Blackhawk Alaskan, which is on the heavier end of side arms, but this holster attached to a sturdy belt( Crossbreed leather or Kore nylon depending on dress) makes carrying even a heavy revolver absolutely comfortable. The high ride and cant make for both concealabiliy under even a light shirt and a quick easy draw, even while seated, all while retaining the firearm without the need for a retention strap ( concealed is the key here for snatch resistance, along with a quick draw knife on the opposite side for insurance). I waited a couple months to give this review so that I could verify that this superb leather holds up to daily use in all weather. The craftsmanship is SUPERB, and I will be ordering more holsters from Azula for other handguns in the future.

  44. Jeff

    Purchased this holster for my Walther P22 to carry while I’m out working on our farm. Fit is excellent. I purchased another one for my regular CCW pistol. The price you pay for these is very well worth the quality you receive. When needing any additional holsters, this will be my go too before looking anywhere else.

  45. Testa

    I purchased this holster in 2016-2017 time-frame and I love and still use it all the time! It is, without a doubt, one of the best, and favorite, holsters that I own. I use this for one of my favorite carry guns and, when I purchased the compact version of the same handgun – the holster fits that gun as well!!
    Very well made holster and when I am wearing it, the holster is so comfortable, 90% of the time, it doesn’t even feel like I have a gun on me at all. Keep up the great work folks and I will definitely be buying from you again.

  46. Roger K Sweet

    Quality, Craftsmanship and Price! I bought one for my Steyr m1 OWB and I love it! I’m getting ready to purchase one for my Taurus 856 Executive.

  47. Kris Dawson (verified owner)

    I purchased a S&W 69 combat 2 3/4 .44 magnum L frame I was having a really difficult time find a holster for edc. Azula was the only place I found that even list the L frame as an option. So I said why not for the price of holster. I did not expect to have my pistol within the holster in three days but I do. I highly impressed with grain of leather nice and thick. This is going to be my first holster I will have to break in as it is a nice snug fit. Overall I am bookmarking Azula for future holster purchases.

  48. Jacob S

    Nice finish and great craftsmanship. I ordered one for my Rock Island baby rock .380. The pistol fits nicely and doesn’t fall out. Stiff out of the box, so you’ll have to wear it for a few days to get real comfortable. It’s not a true custom fit holster, it is molded to my gun, but there is a bit of extra space(the gun doesnt move at all, even upside down). Can’t beat it for the price though. I have holsters for other guns that were $40-$50 more, but this seems to be just as well made, better in some cases. Order direct from Azula, do NOT order on amazon.

  49. tink

    5 out of 5. So well made, comparable to ANY on the market. One for the SAR and the other for the Tarus (both black leather). Super comfortable. Don’t even know the full size SAR is on really and i’m presently dealing with sciatic nerve pain. Well better carrying than a wound from an assailants weapon or eminant threat. Besides that they are really nice people and customer service is great too. Kudos

  50. Rich

    Owning several other Azula holsters, it was an easy decision to order up one for a new 1911 commander-sized pistol. This right hand, 2-slot pancake in tan arrived within the designated time. Fit and finish are on par with holsters costing 3x as much. Stitching is extremely neat, with threads tied off and overstitched so that no frayed ends are evident. Edge treatment is done well, although the muzzle end did not get burnished. As most all edge burnishing is now done by machine, it is probably very difficult to hit this spot at this price level. Color is uniform throughout. Retention is excellent. Overnight ‘forming’ utilizing the zip-lock shipping bag rendered a glove-like fit. A well-fit leather holster actually ‘clicks’ when the gun is holstered and this one does not disappoint.

    It’s easy to spot pride in workmanship and this holster has that little extra ‘stuff’.

  51. Jay (verified owner)

    Just received my second azula holster just 4 days.Love it as much as my other one great craftsmanship, fit and really a pretty looking holster.I have many different brands these blow away the competition.

  52. Jman (verified owner)

    Received my second azula holster and breaking in now.Just as great as my first one.If you like leather holsters they won’t disappoint. Also very fast delivery which is great and the quality 2nd to none.

  53. Jeff White (verified owner)

    Ordered a 2 slot pancake for a 1911 Commander and the holster is just about perfect. Azula literally puts many if the other manufacturers to shame in that they provide this level of quality at such affordable pricing.
    Congrats to Azula for such a great product!

  54. Vicky (verified owner)

    I have used Bianchi and Don Hume holsters in the past, and they are outstanding holsters. Needed a holster for a Glock 29 and decided to try an Azula belt slide. I am very impressed with the quality of materials and construction, and would place Azula on par with any other make. Would definitely use again and I highly recommend Azula holsters.

  55. Mark J (verified owner)

    I just ordered my 3rd Azula holster for a S&W Pro Series 1911 subcompact .45 (the first 2 were for a Sig P938 and P365). I have leather holsters from Bianchi, Safariland, DeSantis, and others, but the only leather holsters I’ll buy any more are Azula. The quality, fit and finish are top notch. My next one will be with ostrich or alligator trim for my stainless Kimber Pro Raptor.

  56. Wes (verified owner)

    I was blown away by the quality and fit! I wanted a owb holster for my P938 and searched and searched for the right one. Came across a recommendation for Azula and I was shocked at the affordable price and fast shipping. Fits like a glove but better!

  57. CG

    Just ordered my 3rd Pancake holster from Azula. We all have that box, but I will add to mine no longer. I will only buy Azula products moving forward. They are top notch quality, extremely well made, fit the firearm like a moulded glove and last. My first one is for my 6906 that has been carried every day, all day for the last 5 years. Still looks nearly new! Buy with confidence as Azula makes a great holster!!

  58. Steve N

    I bought the Azula 2 slot pancake holster for my Browning 1911-22 in early March of 2024 and it has performed it’s job admirably. The fit and finish is as good as the more expensive holsters I’ve gotten for my other firearms. The appearance is very pleasing for a basic gun holster. There is absolutely no gun movement when I’m wearing the holster on my belt, and yet, drawing the gun from the holster is easy and snag-free.

    I chose Azula holsters because most of the online holster listings, for the 1911-22/1911-380, were either nylon cordura type holsters or specialty leather holsters upwards of $400. Azula’s $50 pancake holster offers great value in an all-leather product. What’s not to love about that? Highly recommend Azula holsters!!

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